
Dozens of Certifications, Thousands of Properties. This is the typical Sonoma-Marin Home Inspections Certified Home Inspector.

Like slow food, we believe a good inspector takes it slow. We never book more than two standard inspections a day, and only one for more complex properties.

We go for the dark corner of the crawlspace, covered in spiderwebs, as our first stop under the house. We dig deep and aim high. With the latest in technology and training, we've got you covered.
Behind our service,
there is a well-oiled machine.
Sonoma-Marin Home Inspections takes care of the important details so you don't need to sweat it. Marin, Napa, and Sonoma Counties are in the good hands of a professional home inspection organisation with an outstanding work ethic. We know how to go the extra mile for the highest standards in dependability, service, and safety.